Genesis 3:9-15; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1; Mark 3:20-35. In Genesis, sin enters the world as Adam and Eve yield to the serpent’s temptation. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians urges believers not to be discouraged: our earthly dwelling fades, but life in the Lord is eternal. Mark’s Gospel shows Jesus being described by the scribes as “possessed.” Jesus responds with a promise that doing the will of God makes us his brothers and sisters.
X Domenica Del Tempo Ordinario
SATANA È FINITO! L’uomo sedotto dal diavolo. Si ritrove smarrito e turbato. Si nasconde; a Dio che lo cerca risponde: “Ho avuto paura” (I Lettura). Nel Vangelo gli avversari di Gesù lo accusano di complicità col demonio, gettando discredit sul suo operato. La realtà è che propria Gesù riporta il definitivo trionfo contro il regno di Satana, e ne decreta la fine: ogni tentazione è vinta da colui che ha vinto ogni tentazione!
Gesù accusa di bestammiare contro lo Spirito Santo coloro che attribuscono deliberatamente la sua opera al demonio. Il rischio che corrono è di rifiutare con ostinazione di interprendere un cammino di conversione con un indurimento del cuore che può sfociare nell’impenitenza finale. Gesù con la sua redenzione si pone in netta antitesi con chi dall’inizio è omicida e nemecio dell’uomo. Cristo è il “piu forte” (cf. Mc 1,7), perché mandato dal Padre autorità. Chi accoglie il messagio del Vangelo supera ogni sbandamento e diviene cosi per Gesù “fratello, sorella e madre” con le promessa di vivere per sempre accanto a lui nella gloria (Il Lettura). – Don Michele G. D’Agostino, ssp
今天的福音記載着一件令人充滿希望的事。耶穌的母親和親戚來找祂的時候,祂說:「誰奉行天主的旨意,他就是我的兄弟、姊妹 和母親。凡是仰效祂的師表,接受天父的旨意, 照着去做的人,就和祂有密切關係,有能力抵抗魔鬼,就如耶穌自己那樣,祂因為按照天主的旨意行事,服從至死,甚至被釘死在十字架上,因此祂救贖了人類的罪,克勝死亡,戰勝魔鬼,復活升天。我們若能像耶穌一樣,甘心為補贖自己和世人的罪,我們也可戰勝魔鬼。我們的十字架是每所遇的大小困難,疾苦,在實行愛德時的辛勞,堅毅不屈,卻在艱苦中依賴天主努力奮鬥 。
Saint WHO?
Francis Borgia
Priest and Religious + 1572
Francis Borgia came from a powerful and influential Spanish family. He lived an intensely holy life in the midst of enormous political responsibility. He was surrounded from childhood by caregivers chosen for their virtue. He served at the imperial court, where it is said he never spoke ill of others or indulged in vices. He married Eleanor, a lady-in-waiting of the empress, with whom he had eight children.
After Eleanor died, Francis made provision for his children and estates and entered the Jesuits. Saint Ignatius of Loyola appointed him the order’s commissary general of Spai. In this capacity, he founded Spain’s first Jesuit novitiate as well as a number of schools. In 1565, he was chosen to lead the entire order.
When he was, as he said “smitten with the sword of responsibility,” he addressed his fellow Jesuits, begging them to offer to God the “fruits of obedience, humility, and patience,” to give their neighbors “the oil of mercy and the other remedies,” to forget their own differences and “begin a new life, destroying the old man and raising up the new, so that the simplicity, obedience, charity, and humility of the primitive Society may be revived in our hearts.” The Jesuit order expanded under his leadership and he is sometimes called its second founder.
Heavenly Father, through the intercession of Saint Francis Borgia, strengthen those you call From the world to your service.
Fr. Al Mengon, SDB
Parochial Vicar
Taken from the “Magnificat”
Mass Intentions For The Week
Sunday June 9, 2024
8:45 Luigi Marciano & Giuliana Marciano +
10:15 Soul of Shirley Tsih + – Ingrid Myra M. De Leon +
12:00 For the People of Saints Peter and Paul – Lorenzo Simi +
5:00 Peter Domenici & Peter Domenici, III +
Monday June 10, 2024
7:00 Joseph Leo Torre & Family +
9:00 Edward Sabini +
Tuesday June 11, 2024
7:00 Joseph Pendergast +
9:00 Romano Marcucci +
Wednesday June 12, 2024
7:00 Amelia DeNicolai +
9:00 Angelo Sanguinetti +
Thursday June 13, 2024
7:00 In Memory of the Ettorina Cardella Family +
9:00 In Honor of St. Anthony of Padua + – Healing Rose Baglin
Friday June 14, 2024
7:00 Antonia D’Ascoli +
9:00 Gaetano Alioto +
Saturday June 15, 2024
7:30 In Memory of the Ettorina Cardella Family +
9:00 Pietro, Adele, & Elena Domenici +
5:00 Marie & Walter Souza & Gig Ghiglieri + – Michael Czuprynski +
Gemma Stellina Mitchell
Particular Items
Eucharistic Adoration & Confession/ Anointing of the Sick: We have Adoration & Confession every Friday, following the 7:00 AM Mass. And on the first Friday of the month we have the Anointing following the 7:00 AM Mass.
Salesian Summer Camps: Summertime at The Club is packed with exciting activities, fun field trips, learning opportunities, and other adventures for rising 4th graders up through high schoolers. Summer hours are Monday through Friday, 9am until 6pm beginning June 5th 2024.
AND Camp Grigio: Camp Grigio is the summer day camp option for children who are not yet Club age (ages 3 – 8), and runs from June 10 – August 9. Visit to learn more.Celebrate St. Anthony at St. Anthony’s Dining Room and St. Boniface Church! On June 13, all Catholics in the SF Archdiocese are invited for a special mass, exposition of a first class relic of St. Anthony of Padua, and an opportunity to serve our homeless brothers and sisters. Event Program at St. Boniface Church (133 Golden Gate Avenue):
Morning Mass: 8:30-9:30am
Relic Exposition: 8:00-1:00pm
Lunch: open to all in St. Anthony Dining Room between 10:30-1:30pm
Mid-day Mass: 12:15-12:45pm
周守仁樞機來訪晚餐聚話 Cardinal Stephen Chow Visits: The Chinese Ministry of San Francisco welcomes Cardinal Stephen Chow, Bishop of Hong Kong! Bishop Chow will celebrate Mass at St. Anne of the Sunset on June 13 at 6:00 PM. A reception dinner will follow at 7:00 PM, and the cost is $30. Please call 415-614-5575 for more info or dinner tickets.
Women’s Retreat for Healing After Abortion June 14-16: You are not alone! The Archdiocese of San Francisco sponsors Project Rachel which helps women and men heal the pain of abortion and to find the path to peace and reconciliation. [email protected] or call 415-614-5567 for more.
Presbyteral Ordination of Deacon David Mees: Deacon David Mees will be ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Cordileone at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption on June 15 at 10:00 a.m. All are invited to attend this wonderful event.!
Salesian Community Bingo: Join us Thursday, June 20, for Salesian Community Bingo! The fun starts at 6:00 PM, and you can order tickets at
Organ Concert June 23! On June 23 at 3:30PM our friend and excellent organist Mr. John Pavik joined by our great cantor Phoebe Chee, will perform “12 Pieces for Organ” by Théodore Dubois. It’s free, but a free will offering will be taken up in support of music ministry.
玫瑰經 Chinese Apostolate First Sunday Rosary: The Apostolate meets every first Sunday of the month following the 10:15 AM Mass, to pray the Rosary in the Don Bosco Room.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! On November 9-10, 2024 we will mark the 100 Year Anniversary of Saints Peter and Paul Church. Of course, the first Saints Peter and Paul was destroyed in the earthquake and fire of 1906, but the cornerstone for this lovely Church you see around you was laid in 1924, so this year marks 100 years!
On Saturday, November 9, at 5:00 PM, we will have a special Mass for all who were married here, and those of you who are parishioners but were married in another Church. which will include a Renewal of Marriage Vows, followed by a prime rib banquet, open to all, in the auditorium. Tickets for the Saturday banquet are $80; $20 for children under 12. For more info and tickets for the banquet, visit
AND on Sunday, November 10, at 11:00 AM we will have our 100 Year Anniversary celebration Mass followed by a luncheon for all in the auditorium.
HELP! & GUESS WHO? As we prepare for the 100th Anniversary we need help from parishioners. Were you or your parents married here? We want pictures to use at the Renewal of Vows part of the celebration. Call Gibbons at the parish office or email [email protected]. Meanwhile, can you name this lovely SSPP couple? (Last week’s mystery couple were Silvano & Lourice Biondi, married here in 1964!).
Saints Peter and Paul Salesian School & Pre-K Accepting Applications: Our K-8 Salesian school is accepting applications for this year and next. Please email Dr. Lisa Harris at the school at [email protected], or Barbara Simons at the Pre-K at [email protected] to learn more!
Sponsor a Student! Are you able to help a student receive a Catholic education? We are receiving more request for financial aid than ever before. The Salesians started by educating the children of the poor and we are not about to stop now—but like Don Bosco before us we need your help! We invite financially able parishioners to help with this ministry. Please call Dr. Lisa Harris at 421-5219 or Fr. Tho Bui at 421-0809.
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: The 2024 Archdiocesan Appeal is underway. This year’s assessment is $68,867. So far 35 families/parishioners have given $21,685, leaving us with a balance of $47,182. To donate or watch a good video about the 2024 appeal, and what it supports, go to If you can, join the 1% club! Give $688! But all gifts are deeply appreciated.Catholic Medical Care right in our Parish! Bella Primary Care offers primary & pediatric healthcare in accordance with Catholic principles. They are located at 2000 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 304, in San Francisco. Now scheduling appointments for:
PEDIATRICS: Wellness visits for ages 6 months to 18 years with our pro-life pediatrician Dr. Virginia Schneider.
WOMEN and MEN: Comprehensive annual exam.
EXPECTANT MOMS: Pregnancy verification, initial ultrasound and blood work.
FERTILITY: Initial and follow-up appointments using natural fertility assessment methods.
For appointments, call 415-775-1500 or email our office at [email protected] We look forward to caring for your families in a Christ-centered way!
“Bella is an answer to my prayers to bring an authentically Catholic woman-centered healthcare clinic to our people in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. I invite your collaboration and support !”– Archbishop Cordileone. Support Bella’s mission at
Liturgical Calendar
Sunday 09 The 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday 10 Weekday in Ordinary Time
Tuesday 11 Barnabas; Apostle
Wednesday 12 Weekday in Ordinary Time
Thursday 13 Anthony of Padua; Bishop, Doctor
Friday 14 Weekday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 15 Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary
asSunday 16 The 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Your gifts of May 25/26: $2,601.
Second Collection (Mission Appeal):: $3,022.
Your gifts of June 1/2: $2,707.
Second Collection (Scholarship Fund): $1,026.
Two weeks goal: $17,340.
Shortfall: $12,032.
We are always in shortfall. Fr. Tho asks for your help Please consider donating an amount equal to a breakfast or lunch or movie ticket. Thank you! Your parish appreciates your continued support!