Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32; John 6:60-69. In the first reading, Joshua and the tribes of Israel state their fidelity to the Lord God. In his letter to the Ephesians, Saint Paul draws a parallel between a spousal relationship and the radical love between Christ and the Church. In the Gospel, Jesus proclaims that his words are Spirit and life, after which only some of his followers continued as disciples.
Domenico 21A Del Tempo Ordinario
Molti dicono di essere cattolici anche se la loro vita é in contrasto con quanto dice e insegna la Chiesa. Di fronte alle esigenza radicali del Vangelo si riccorre tacitamente al “buon senso” che spesso diventa un paravento, perché il Vangelo è scomodo. Chiediamo che il Signore ci liberi da ogni compromesso.
Saint WHO?
Saint Tabitha the Merciful Widow (+ 1st Century)
Now in Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha...She was completely occupied with good deeds and almsgiving (Acts 9:36). Thought by scholars to have been a wealthy young widow, Tabitha appears to have been a seamstress (hence the balls of wool in the image), possibly running her own clothing business. Her name means “gazelle.”
The death of Tabitha is the first event recounted during the period of peace that followed the conversion of Saul. Her community’s reaction indicates that it was a shock. Yet even in death, Tabitha continued to bring good to her neighbors. They may have expected a miracle: she was laid in an upper room (not buried immediately) and the Apostle Peter was called in. In a story that evokes the raising of Jairus’ daughter Icf. Mk 5:40-42) Peter appeared. But instead of those who laugh at miracles, the house is filled with widows who plead for them. As Cyprian of Carthage wrote: “So powerful were the merits of mercy, so much did just works avail! She who had conferred on suffering widows the assistance for living deserved to be recalled to life by the petition of widows.” Peter raised Tabitha with the words: Tabitha anastethi, or as one scholar suggests, the Aramaic Tabitha kûmi, strikingly similar to our Lord’s words Talitha kûmi –”little girl, arise.”
Loving father, grant each of us true knowledge of the love stronger than death. Fr. Al Mengon, SDB Parochial Vicar Taken from the Magnificat
Mass Intentions For The Week
Sunday August 25, 2024 8:45 The Edward & Eileen Ziomek & Myrtle Lane Families + 10:15 Kim Chen Chan-Lai + 12:00 Loriano & Anita Belluomini + – Emilio Bernardini + 5:00 For the People of Saints Peter and Paul
Monday August 26, 2024 7:00 Gibbons & Anne Cooney + 9:00 Franco, Pia, & Lodovico Ortesi +
Tuesday August 27, 2024 7:00 The Birthday of Roger Moskaira + 9:00 The Sanguinetti Family +
Wednesday August 28, 2024 7:00 Edward Sabini + 9:00 Charles Carrabino +
Thursday August 29, 2024 7:00 The DeNicolai Family + 9:00 In Honor of Madonna della Guardia
Friday August 30, 2024 7:00 Wedding Anniversary of Fortunato & Antonia D’Ascoli + 9:00 Les & Teresa Favrat +
Saturday August 31, 2024 7:30 Fr. John Malloy, SDB + 9:00 Joseph Leo Torre & Family + 5:00 For the People of Saints Peter and Paul
Baptisms Noah Rios
Rest-in-Peace John Alfred Vanucci
Particular Items
Eucharistic Adoration & Confession/ Anointing of the Sick: We have Adoration & Confession every Friday, following the 7:00 AM Mass. And on the first Friday of the month we have the Anointing following the 7:00 AM Mass.
玫瑰經 Chinese Apostolate First Sunday Rosary: The Apostolate meets every first Sunday of the month, following the 10:15 AM Mass, to pray the Rosary in the Don Bosco Room.
Religious Education 2024-2025 Religious Education: Religious Education for both children and adults will soon begin. Religious Education—(CCD Sunday School): "Lord, when did we see you hungry" Mt 25:37 - 2024 Catechetical Theme. Welcome back old and new students, registration for 2024-2025 school year is now open. (Grades K to 8). Application forms are available in the parish office or Sains Peter and Paul Church website Classes are from 9:45 to 11:00 AM on Sundays. Sessions begin August 25, 2024. Volunteer CCD Sunday School teacher search: We are looking for volunteers who would like to teach Grade school students. Join us in this honorable ministry of teaching and sharing faith. For more information, please email [email protected] or call (415) 421-0809. RCIA: RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a program through which the Church welcomes, educates, and journeys those persons seeking full communion in the Catholic faith through the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. The 2024-2025 sessions begins in September 2024 and continues through Pentecost, 2025. Sessions are held every Wednesday from 7-8:30pm in the Don Bosco room. Registration forms and more info may be found at
Saints Peter and Paul School Golf Tournament! Join us September 16 for an 18-hole tournament at the beautiful Sonoma Golf Club, with a shotgun start at 10:00 AM. Single-player or foursome ticket options are available. Registration includes golf, a boxed lunch on the cart, and a tee prize. All proceeds benefit Saints Peter and Paul School. For tickets and to learn more, visit And if you have questions, please contact [email protected]
November Centennial Celebration!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! On November 9-10, 2024 we will mark the 100 Year Anniversary of Saints Peter and Paul Church. Of course, the first Saints Peter and Paul was destroyed in the earthquake and fire of 1906, but the cornerstone for this lovely Church you see around you was laid in 1924, so this year marks 100 years!
On SATURDAY, November 9, at 5:00 PM, we will have a special Mass which will include a Renewal of Marriage Vows for all who were married here, (or were married in another Catholic Church).
100th Anniversary Banquet: There will also be a prime rib banquet, after the Saturday Mass, open to all, in the auditorium. Tickets for the Saturday banquet are $80; $40 for children under 12. For more info and banquet tickets, use the qcode at left or visit, or call the parish office at 415-421-0809.
AND on SUNDAY, November 10, at 11:00 AM we will have our 100 Year Anniversary celebration! Fr. Mel Trinidad, our Salesian Provincial will be the principal celebrant of the Mass, which will be followed by a luncheon for all in the auditorium.
Guess Who? HELP! & GUESS WHO? As we prepare for the 100th Anniversary we need help from parishioners. Were you or your parents married here? We want pictures! Call Gibbons at the parish office or email [email protected]. Meanwhile, can you name this lovely SSPP couple? (Last week’s mystery couple were Robert Guglielmi & Joyce Battaglia, married her on September 29, 1979).
Want to See our100th Anniversary Video Invitation? Of course you do! Please check out our video invitation by scanning the qr code at left, and please share with all your friends and family!
Saints Peter and Paul Salesian School & Pre-K Accepting Applications: Our K-8 Salesian school is accepting applications for this year and next. Please email Dr. Lisa Harris at the school at [email protected], or Barbara Simons at the Pre-K at [email protected] to learn more!
Sponsor a Student! We are receiving more request for financial aid than ever before. The Salesians started by educating the children of the poor and we are not about to stop now—but like Don Bosco before us we need your help! We invite financially able parishioners to help with this ministry. Please call Fr. Tho!
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: The 2024 Archdiocesan Appeal is underway. This year’s assessment is $68,867. So far 54 families/parishioners have given $36,817, leaving us with a balance of $32,050. To donate or watch a good video about the 2024 appeal, and what it supports, go to If you can, join the 1% club! Give $688! But all gifts are deeply appreciated.
Bella Primary CareCatholic Medical Care right in our Parish! Bella Primary Careoffers primary & pediatric healthcare in accordance with Catholic principles. They are located at 2000 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 304, in San Francisco. Now scheduling appointments for: PEDIATRICS: Wellness visits for ages 6 months to 18 years with our pro-life pediatrician Dr. Virginia Schneider. WOMEN and MEN: Comprehensive annual exam. EXPECTANT MOMS: Pregnancy verification, initial ultrasound and blood work. FERTILITY: Initial and follow-up appointments using natural fertility assessment methods. For appointments, call 415-775-1500 or email our office at [email protected] We look forward to caring for your families in a Christ-centered way!
“Bella is an answer to my prayers to bring an authentically Catholic woman-centered healthcare clinic to our people in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. I invite your collaboration and support!”– Archbishop Cordileone. Support Bella’s mission at
Join here!Knights of Columbus! Congratulations and thanks to the 12 men who joined our reformed Dante Council of the Knights of Columbus! But we can use more members! 1) Scan the Q Code and use the Promo Code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY 2) Don't worry about the Agent referral code 3) Preferred Local council: Sts Peter and Paul Church 4) Member Referral Number is: 4553568 5) Church Parish Name- Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church 6) Church Parish State/ province: California As long as you have put the code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY (no spaces) you don't have to pay anything. Once the head office sends an email congratulating you, please acknowledge and confirm that you want to become a member. If you don't it still lingers on there until you instruct them to go ahead and we will be informed.
Liturgical Calendar Sunday 25 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday 26 Weekday in Ordinary Time Tuesday 27 Monica; Mother of Augustine Wednesday 28 Augustine; Bishop, Doctor Thursday 29 The Passion of St. John the Baptist Friday 30 Weekday in Ordinary Time Saturday 31 Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday 01 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Your gifts of August 17/18 will be published in next week’s bulletin. Weekly goal: $8,670. We are always in shortfall. Fr. Tho asks for your help. Please consider donating an amount equal to a breakfast or lunch or movie ticket. Thank you! Your parish appreciates your continued support!