Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 5:7-9; John 12:20-33. In the first reading the Lord announces a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. The Letter to the Hebrews speaks of Jesus as the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. In the Gospel, Jesus tells Andrew and Philip that the time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified, and that those who serve him must follow him.
Domenica 5A Di Quaresima
Convertirsi vuol dire mettere al primo posto un Dio diverso da come solitamente lo immaginiamo: non un padrone assoluto, ma un Padre che ama. Dio è bontà e misericordia. La risposta d’amore è la causa della nascita di Gesù che riconosce che è arduo scegliere la croce, sapendo che il suo scrificio è la misura dell’amore.
聖保祿致希伯來人書第五章說:「耶穌……以大聲哀號和淚水,向那能救祂脫離死亡的天主獻上祈禱和哀求。」因為祂的人性在為將要到來的苦難而掙扎,祂的天主性看到這苦難是人類因罪惡而致的。祂的哀哭和淚水不是為祂自己,而是為我們這些承受祂苦難佳果的人類。又說「雖然祂是兒子,也要在所受的痛苦中學習服從。」為什麼耶穌要學服從?上主日我們談到耶穌來到人間,天主取了人身,為人做了最完滿的悔改。同樣,祂是天主,祂無需服從 ,但祂的人性需要學習服從,祇有人而天主才能做到最完美的服從。而等到「祂的服從到完美之後,為一切服從祂人成為永遠的救恩的根源。」
我們怎樣去服從耶穌呢?是不是每天每時每刻 , 努力盡好身為天主信徒的責任,也就是身而為人的責任?
From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
When I was in middle school, I had to do a project which was to observe a seed to learn how it grows. I had to find a little glass jar, fill in with some soil, place a bean into the soil, and add some water. Each day I had to observe the seed grow and write a report of my observations. The seed began to burst after two days and when it had been growing about a quarter to half-an-inch the skin fell of the plant. The seed has to die in the soil so that the shoot can grow to the mature plant. For those who are famers, they know the process of how grains of wheat and other plants that were sown in the field will multiply a thousandfold. After the famers harvest the wheat, they can ground it into flour to be used to bake bread and other cooking needs.
When I reflect on Today’s Gospel of St. John, it reminds me the seed and the plant that I observed, but I like to think that Jesus is like the seed who came into this world and died for our sins, so that we can be saved. Jesus tells us, “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if has to die, it produces much fruit.” (John 12:20-23). This passage leads us to meditate on the life of Jesus as we anticipate the Easter celebration.
In two weeks, we will celebrate the Easter Triduum, during which we will meditate on the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Why does Jesus have to sacrifice his life for us? Why does he have to die? The answer is because God loves us. Some of us may ask what if Jesus was not raised from the dead? Then our faith is baseless. But Jesus, resurrected from death, would prove to the believers and non-believers that he is truly the Son of God.
We are the followers of Jesus, and of what Jesus has done for us, and we too are called to follow his footsteps. Let’s us continue this Lent by meditating on Jesus life and imitating him by sacrificing our time in prayers and sharing our resources to help the parish and to those in needs.
Have a blessed Lent!
Fr. Tho Bui, SDB
Mass Intentions For The Week
Sunday March 17, 2024
8:45 For the People of Saints Peter and Paul – Marie Moresco +
10:15 Edward De Nicolai + – Maria Michel +
12:00 The Pierini & Spes Families +
5:00 Joseph Maggiora & the Maggiora Family +
Monday March 18, 2024
7:00 Angelo Sanguinetti +
9:00 Birthday of Samuel M. Bugayong – Healing Rosalina Acayan
Tuesday March 19, 2024
7:00 Giuseppe D’Ascoli +
9:00 GB De Martini + & Giambattista De Martini + (Wonderful Fathers) –
Pinuccia Piazza+
Wednesday March 20, 2024
7:00 Giuseppina Ross + – Michele & Lori Magliulo +
9:00 Domenica, Francesca, Tom, Giuseppe, Frances, & Lena Cresci +
Thursday March 21, 2024
7:00 Josephine Mazzucco +
9:00 Maria Russo & Luigi Cirelli + – Scott Williams +
Friday March 22, 2024
7:00 Michael Gunning + –Lou & Marilyn Magliulo +
9:00 Luigi & Rose Mangini + – Emma Marquez +
Saturday March 23, 2024
7:30 The Giurlani Family +
9:00 Anniversary of the Death of Javier Llorente +
5:00 Louis & Enes Greco +
Mercy Kiu Krause – Milan Arancibia
Frank Evelino & Trang Do
John Giannuzzi & Amanda Jordan
Rest in Peace
Emma Marquez – Scott Williams - Michael Czuprynski
Fabio Scarpone
Particular Items
Memorial Easter Lilies! In a beloved Saints Peter and Paul tradition, you can remember a loved one and help decorate the Church for Easter at the same time! People will be taking orders in front of the Church this week and next or you may call or email the parish office. The price is $20.
Solemnity of Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary: On Tuesday we celebrate the wonderful Solemnity of St. Joseph! Masses are at 7 & 9:00 AM.
Salesian Community Bingo: The next Salesian Community Bingo is March 21 at 6:00 PM. Visit /events for tickets!
Eucharistic Adoration & Confession/ Anointing of the Sick: We have Adoration & Confession every Friday, following the 7:00 AM Mass. And on the first Friday of the month we have the Anointing following the 7:00 AM Mass.
Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper: Every Friday of Lent at 6:00 PM we will have the Stations of the Cross followed by Soup Supper in the Rectory or cafeteria. This Friday’s Stations will be hosted by the Salesian Boys’ and Girls’ Club.
IMPORTANT! Lenten Penance Service: Join us this Saturday, March 23, at 3:30 PM for our annual Lenten Penance Service. Confessions will be head in English, Italian, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Spanish.School Spring Gala! It’s right around the corner! Mark your calendars for March 23 at 6:30PM at the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club for the Glam Pajama Jam—that’s the theme for this year’s school Spring Gala. For tickets and sponsorship opportunities visit
Lenten Disciplines: Abstinence: Everyone 14 years and older is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, all the Fridays of Lent, and Good Friday. If in doubt concerning Fast or Abstinence, a priest should be consulted. In the spirit of penance, the faithful should not lightly excuse themselves from this obligation. Mass attendance: During Lent, the Church encourages attendance at daily Mass and reception of the Eucharist. Almsgiving: During Lent, the Church encourages generosity to local, national, and worldwide programs of sharing. Also, consider joining us at the morning Rosary, prayed every weekday following the 7:00 AM Mass.
End abortion with 40 Days for Life! Join us in peacefully praying for the end to abortion in San Francisco! The 40 Days for Life campaign runs from February 14 to March 24 at 1522 Bush Street daily throughout Lent. You may sign up for vigil hours on the website: For more information, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 408-840-DAYS (3297)
Sacred Triduum Schedule
Holy Thursday, March 28
Morning Prayer 8:00AM w Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30PM.
Church Open until 10:00 PM for Adoration.
Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday), March 29
Morning Prayer 8:00 AM
Stations of the Cross in Italian at 12:00 PM; Stations in English at 1:00 PM.
The Liturgy of the Passion in English at 2:00 PM
The Passion in Cantonese at 6:00 PM.
Holy Saturday, March 30
Morning Prayer at 8:00 AM w Solemn Easter Vigil 8:00 PM.
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord, March 31
Mass in English at 7:30 & 8:45 AM
Cantonese/English at 10:15 AM w Italian/English at 12:00 PM NO 5:00 PM Mass.
A Retreat For Adult Children of Divorced/Separated Parents: Dealing with our parents' divorce is not easy but confronting this wound with faith can allow us to find great healing. We hope that you will become part of our supportive community and receive the many graces available through this ministry. Life-Giving Wounds Retreat: March 22, 2024 - March 24, 2024, 6:00pm (03/22) - 3:30pm (03/24) at the Vallombrosa Retreat Center is located at 250 Oak Grove Ave, Menlo Park, California 94025. Call (415) 614-5547 for more information.
Salesian Boys’ and Girls’ Club 50th Annual Gala! Speaking of Galas, join the Club at 6:00 PM on April 27, 2024 at the Westin St. Francis at the 50th Club Gala! This year’s honoree is Paul Boschetto. Learn more at /events or call 415-397-3068.
Praise and Worship Eucharistic Adoration: Join St. Patrick’s Seminary & University for an evening of Eucharistic Praise and Worship led by Fr. Vito Perrone, COSJ and St. Patrick’s Seminarians. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available. Light refreshments to follow. April 19, 2024, from 7:15pm - 8:45pm at St. Patrick's Seminary & University, 320 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: We have begun the 2024 Archdiocesan Appeal This year’s assessment is $68,867. To donate or watch a good video about the 2024 appeal, and what it supports, go to Please remember this is a shared obligation: last year only 78 families/parishioners (out of the whole parish) gave. It would be great if EVERY parishioner contributed, no matter the amount. If you can, join the 1% club! Give $688! But all amounts are deeply appreciated.
玫瑰經 Chinese Apostolate First Sunday Rosary: The Apostolate meets every first Sunday of the month following the 10:15 AM Mass, to pray the Rosary in the Don Bosco Room.
Saints Peter and Paul Salesian School & Pre-K Accepting Applications: Our K-8 Salesian school is accepting applications for this year and next. Please email Dr. Lisa Harris at the school at [email protected], or Barbara Simons at the Pre-K at [email protected] to learn more!
Sponsor a Student! Are you able to help a student receive a Catholic education? We are receiving more request for financial aid than ever before. The Salesians started by educating the children of the poor and we are not about to stop now—but like Don Bosco before us we need your help! We invite financially able parishioners to help with this ministry. Please call Dr. Lisa Harris at 421-5219 or Fr. Tho Bui at 421-0809.Catholic Medical Care right in our Parish! Bella Primary Care offers primary & pediatric healthcare in accordance with Catholic principles. They are located at 2000 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 304, in San Francisco. Now scheduling appointments for:
PEDIATRICS: Wellness visits for ages 6 months to 18 years with our pro-life pediatrician Dr. Virginia Schneider.
WOMEN and MEN: Comprehensive annual exam.
EXPECTANT MOMS: Pregnancy verification, initial ultrasound and blood work.
FERTILITY: Initial and follow-up appointments using natural fertility assessment methods.
For appointments, call 415-775-1500 or email our office at [email protected] We look forward to caring for your families in a Christ-centered way!
“Bella is an answer to my prayers to bring an authentically Catholic woman-centered healthcare clinic to our people in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. I invite your collaboration and support!”– Archbishop Cordileone. Support Bella’s mission at
Liturgical Calendar
Sunday 17 Fifth Sunday of Lent
Monday 18 Cyril of Jerusalem; Bishop, Doctor
Tuesday 19 Joseph; Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday 20 Lenten Weekday
Thursday 21 Lenten Weekday
Friday 22 Lenten Weekday
Saturday 23 Lenten Weekday, Turibius of Mogrovejo; Bishop
Sunday 24 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Your gifts of March 9/10: $2,685.
Weekly goal: $8,670.
Shortfall: $5,985.
Second Coll. (Catholic Relief Services): $895.
We are always in shortfall. Fr. Tho asks for your help Please consider donating an amount equal to a breakfast or lunch or movie ticket. Thank you! Your parish appreciates your continued support!