Acts 5:27–32, 40b–41; Psalm 30; Revelation 5:11–14; John 21:1–19 or 21:1–14. Continuing our Easter celebration, we hear accounts of the period following the Resurrection. The Sanhedrin forbade the apostles to preach in the Lord’s name, but they took the reprimand as a badge of honor. The visionary John saw angels and elders praising and worshiping the Lamb. Before ascending to the Father, Jesus appeared again to his disciples and called upon Peter to care for his flock. Let us hear the wonder and joy in the words of those who had seen the risen Lord.
Domenica 3A Di Pasqua In un monda sconvolto dalla violenza e ostilia alla proposta di Dio, la forza della Risurrezione alimenta le speranza. Lo Spirito sostiene il nostro impegno, perché Dio è al nostro fianco. La luce del Risorto fa strada agli uomini e li sostiene nel superare anche gli ostacoli apparentemente insormontabili.
復活期第三主日 本主日的讀經是若望福音第21章。它記載的是耶穌復活後第三次顯現給門徒們;也可以說是耶穌和祂的門徒的最後早餐。耶穌早己在湖邊為他們預備好了早餐。相信日後宗徒們回想到當時的情形,必會滿心感激並感受到上主無限溫柔的愛。而就在進食後,耶穌三次問伯多祿是不是愛祂,這對伯多祿是件難堪的事,他一直為曾經三次背主而痛悔不已,而這正是耶穌暗中給他機會,賠補三次否認祂的罪過,同時使人也明白,自以為愛天主,不及一心一意依恃天主更實際。耶穌了解、信任他,立他為教會的元首,並且吩咐宗徒們去教訓萬民。 伯多祿和其他宗徒都做到了,我們在讀經一(宗徒大事錄)中,看到宗徒們被拉到公議會受審時,勇敢地表明聽天主的命勝過聽人的命,寧願坐牢,也不願放棄傳揚福音的使命。 不單伯多祿和其他的宗徒做到了,今天在中東的一些國家,許許多多的的基督徒也同樣做到了。我們從宗徒大事錄、從教會史或報章,都可以看到他們不怕萬難,寧死為基督作證的英勇行為,我們的內心是不是震盪不已?我們能無動於中嗎? Dear Parishioners, Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of Easter. The Gospel of St. John describes how the Risen Jesus revealed himself for the third time to his disciples at the sea of Tiberias. Jesus’s disciples were fishing, as they normally did, but this time with no success. But after they listened to Jesus’ words, the result was more than they expected! Jesus called and confirmed with them that they would become the fisher of men. Then Jesus asked and confirmed with Peter that he would become the leader of his Church on earth. After Jesus was crucified and died, Jesus’ disciples returned to their former jobs as fishermen. Although they are experienced fishermen and quite familiar with the Sea of Tiberias, they cannot catch any fish. But when Jesus appeared, their frustration became joyful and their efforts successful. Jesus simply told them to lower their nets to the right side of their boat. And they caught the great “number of fish.” Then Jesus urges them not to give up, but to continue following him and to become fishers of men. Peter denied Jesus three times right before he was crucified. And so at the third appearance to his disciples, Jesus turns to Peter and asks him three times, “Do you love me?” Each time, Jesus confirms with Peter that he is to lead his faithful people and his church. Jesus knows that Peter is weak as a human person, but Jesus also sees the heart of Peter, and knows that he has the capability to become the good leader. Peter became the vicar of Christ to lead the Church at its birth. His leadership and his successors continue to lead our church to this day. We are part of the church and the followers of Jesus Christ. We need Jesus to free us from frustration and help us to gain strength from our weakness as human. When we obey God’s commandments, our lives will be better spiritually. If we listen and practice God’s words, God will give us more than we expect. Through our baptism, we are called to be like Christ and to make his church alive by living our Christian way. May the Risen Jesus Christ strengthen us to live our faith by witnessing the Gospel message and sharing the Easter good news to others. Have a blessed Easter! –Fr. Tho Bui, SDB Pastor Mass Intentions For The Week Sunday May 1, 2022 8:45 Luigi Marciano + – Antonio Ciro Accardo + 10:15 For the People of Saints Peter and Paul 12:00 Steve & Lena Cuneo + – Healing for Steve Shaw 5:00 The Edward & Eileen Ziomek & Myrtle Lane Families + Monday May 2, 2022 7:00 Giuseppe & Angela Balistreri & Family + 9:00 Living & Deceased Salesian Fathers, Brothers, & Sisters 5:00 Salesian Boys’ and Girls’ Club Founders + Tuesday May 3, 2022 7:00 Joseph Leo Torre & Family + 9:00 Vincenzo & Mariannina Torrano & Family + Wednesday May 4, 2022 7:00 Nicola Sanguinetti + 9:00 Francesco, Antoinette, & Frank Germano + Thursday May 5, 2022 7:00 Amelia DeNicolai + 9:00 Gaetano Alioto + Friday May 6, 2022 7:00 Edward Sabini + 9:00 Enes & Carmella Greco & Irene Zanzi + Saturday May 7, 2022 7:30 Andrea Genoveffa + – Blessings for Mr. & Mrs. Kayvon & Clarisse Rahbar 9:00 Clementina & Giosue Bresolin + 5:00 Marie & Walter Souza & Gig Ghiglieri +
WEEKLY INTENTIONS For each intention mentioned in the group below, individual Masses will be said in our Parishes, Schools or Missions. In Honor of the Infant of Prague - Intention of the Hom Family
Baptism Michael Robert Andrews – Kennedy Reese Loredo
Rest-in-Peace Daniel Damato
Particular Items Eucharistic Adoration We have Eucharistic Adoration every Wednesday from 7:00-8:00PM. Come spend some time with Jesus! The parking lot will be open. Salesian Founder’s Mass: On Monday, May 2, at 5:00PM, we will celebrate the SBGC’s “Founders Mass”. Mass will be followed by the Men’s Dinner (in the gym) and the Woman’s Dinner (at the SFIAC). This year’s honorees are Gayle Montaño (Bea Bedoni Award) and Robert ‘Sil’ Silvestri (Fr. Trinchieri award). First Holy Communion! On Saturday, May 7, at 11:00AM, our Saints Peter and Paul CCD Students will receive the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time! Please pray for them, and First Communicants, pray for us! St. Mary Mazzarello! On May 13, we celebrate the Feast of St. Mary Mazzarello, foundress of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, our Salesian Sisters. Started in 1872, the Salesian Sisters now have more than 14,000 members in 89 countries—the largest order of women religious in the entire world! St. Mary Mazzarello, pray for us! Santa Gemma: On May 15 we will honor our beloved Santa Gemma, dear to the hearts of the people of Lucca and all Italians, at the 12:00 PM Italian Mass. This year we are blessed to have the Mass celebrated by Archbishop Paolo Giulietti of Lucca himself! Welcome, Excellency! A luncheon will follow. Reservations forms are on the tables. Santa Gemma, pray for us. Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: This year’s assessment is $29, 415. The AAA supports many important and necessary functions throughout the Archdiocese. So far 37 parishioners have given or pledged $16,907, leaving us with a balance of $12,508. Consider giving 1% of the total amount—less than one dollar a day! Saints Peter and Paul Salesian School Accepting Applications: Our K-8 Salesian school is accepting applications for this year and next. Please email Dr. Lisa Harris at [email protected], and visit to learn more. School Spring Fundraiser & Dance: On Friday, May 13, our school will host the Spring Fundraiser & Dance. We're celebrating our amazing community and honoring the life and memory of one of our own, who left us too soon, Adam Richey. Join us for a performance from the SSPP Dance Team, raffle prizes, a cash bar and heavy apps from our generous event partners and a fun and groovy after-party with DJ Dennis Gallegos. To learn more or buy tickets or donate, go to Liturgical Calendar Sunday 01 Third Sunday of Easter Monday 02 Athanasius; Bishop, Doctor Tuesday 03 Philip & James; Apostles Wed-Sat 04-07 Easter Weekdays Sunday 08 Fourth Sunday of Easter Your gifts of Holy Thursday: $283. Good Friday (Holy Land Collection); $339. Easter Masses & Appeal: $21,857. Weekend of April 23/24: $1,836. Weekly Goal: $8,670. Shortfall taking from savings: $6,834. April 23/24 Second Collection (Home Missions): $918. Thank You! Your parish appreciated your support!