Acts 10:34a, 37–43; Psalm 118 “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.” Colossians 3:1–4; John 20:1–9. On this holy morning we hear Saints Peter and Paul testify to Jesus’ resurrection and what it means to all of us who have been baptized in him. We also hear Saint John’s account of that first Easter morning and the reactions of three disciples whom Jesus loved. None of them fully understood what had happened, but they all realized that something unusual had taken place. The world has changed and all our lives along with it. Christ has triumphed over death; let us rejoice and be glad!
Domenica Di Pasqua Gesù èrisorto. Inizia per il mondo una nuova era. Contro Cristo si è concentrato tutto il male. Eppure il comportamento di Gesù è sempre stato mirabile: pazienza indescrivibile, dialogo per la verità, opere buone, soccorsi miracolosi. Con la risurrezione l’amore ha trionfato sulla morte, sulle debolezze, e sul peccato. 復活主日 主己復活,請歡欣! 今天福音記載瑪利亞瑪逹肋納、聖伯多祿和聖若望三人對耶穌復活的反應各不相同。 瑪利亞瑪逹肋納看見墓門的大石被移開,以為耶穌的屍體被搬走,覺得傷心和迷惑,不知怎辦,跑去告訴西滿伯多祿。伯多祿看見頭巾和殮布沒有放在一起,而是卷着,他也不明白是怎麼一回事。聖若望比伯多祿跑得快,他進了墓穴,也看見殮布放在那裏。 聖若望宗徒看到墓穴的情形,由於他是耶穌的愛徒,他也特別愛耶穌,他和耶穌心靈相契,所以立刻就相信主己復活了。瑪利亞瑪逹肋納聽了耶穌喊她的名字:「瑪利亞!」這如雷貫耳的一聲 ,使她認出了主。伯多祿直到在耶穌寛恕他,三次問他:「你愛我嗎?」並且把牧民的責任交給他時,才真正認出主己復活。 我們一生中,在不同的時段,也會經驗到像上述的情形才認出主來,但不管怎樣,能夠認出主己復活是個大恩賜。因為無論科學怎樣發達,人無法使人從死者中復活。而世上有各種痛苦、傷心失意,但我們有一個全能全善的天主,祂會帶我們走過幽谷;我們有一天也要復活,獲得永生。 這是上主所安排的一天,我們要歡欣鼓舞。 From the Pastor’s Desk Easter – April 17, 2022 None of the Gospels attempts to describe what actually happened at the resurrection of Jesus. Historical data ends with the burial of Jesus. After that, we have stories claiming that the tomb of Jesus was found empty and still more stories describing appearances Jesus made to various people after he was raised from the dead. Today’s Gospel narrates how Mary Magdala came to the tomb of Jesus and found it empty. Mary Magdala is portrayed as coming to the tomb of Jesus early in the morning but while it is still dark. No motive is given for coming to the tomb. When she arrives there, she sees that the stone has been removed from the entryway. She does not go into the tomb. She draws the conclusion that the stone’s removal implies that the tomb is empty and that someone has stolen the body. Based in these conclusions, she runs to Peter and the Beloved Disciple and tells them what she assumes has happened. Upon hearing Mary’s conclusion that Jesus’ tomb is empty because someone has stolen the body, Peter and the Beloved Disciple run to the tomb. The Beloved Disciple gets there first. He looks in the tomb and sees the burial cloths but does not enter the tomb. When Peter arrives at the tomb, he enters it and sees the burial cloths with the head covering neatly rolled up in a separate place. Everything appears orderly and planned. Seeing all this elicits no response from Peter. Out of deference for Peter, the Beloved Disciple waits for him to enter the tomb first. After Peter has seen inside the tomb, the Beloved Disciple also enters and beholds what Peter is seeing. However, we are told that the Beloved Disciple not only saw inside the tomb, he also believed. No reference is made to Peter believing. Clearly the Beloved Disciple is portrayed as the model disciple. From the way the evangelist tells the story, clearly none of these characters knows what to make of this event. They do not yet understand the teaching of the Scriptures that Jesus must rise from the dead. BUONA PASQUA 2022! –Fr. Al Mengon, SDB Parochial Vicar Mass Intentions For The Week Sunday April 17, 2022 8:45 The Edward & Eileen Ziomek & Myrtle Lane Families + 10:15 Thanksgiving from Anthony & Anna Lee Family 12:00 GB De Martini + – Edmund Serchia +
Monday April 18, 2022 7:00 Birthday of Louis Ferralis + 9:00 Joseph Maggora & the Maggiora Family +
Tuesday April 19, 2022 7:00 Joseph Leo Torre & Family + 9:00 Angela Canepa + – Healing Barbara Azevedo
Wednesday April 20, 2022 7:00 Vincent, Frances, Nathan, John & Francesca Mazzaferri + 9:00 Queena Maggiora & Fernanda Matteucci +
Thursday April 21, 2022 7:00 Angelo Sanguinetti + 9:00 Caterina, Antonio, & Albert Romeo +
Friday April 22, 2022 7:00 Birthday of Sophia B. Martin 9:00 John Bonjean + – Healing Norene Ghiglieri Saturday April 23, 2022 7:30 The Giurlani Family + 9:00 Frank & Linda Machi + 5:00 Ruth, Guido, & Gig Ghiglieri + Marriages Tristan Fedun & Sarah Contreras Karl Palmares & Camille Sta Cruz
Rest in Peace Chris Bruno – Adam Richey –Yola Ferralis Elvio Recchioni – Asdam Richey – Ron Parenti Particular Items
“Christ's resurrection is the strength, the secret of Christianity. It is not a question of mythology or of mere symbolism, but of a concrete event. It is confirmed by sure and convincing proofs. The acceptance of this truth, although the fruit of the Holy Spirit's grace, rests at the same time on a solid historical base. On the threshold of the third millennium, the new effort of evangelization can begin only from a renewed experience of this Mystery, accepted in faith and witnessed to in life.” — St. John Paul II, 1996.
Eucharistic Adoration We have Eucharistic Adoration every Wednesday from 7-8PM. Come spend some time with Jesus! The parking lot will be open.
Parking Next Week: Next weekend our neighborhood homeless outreach, the North Beach Citizens Committee, will be hosting their annual fundraiser. This is a tradition that dates back to 2001, but this year, because of covid, they will be hosting in the yard, so we will have limited parking available. The downstairs garage will be open, and North Beach Citizens has contracted with the Filbert Street garage to hold 20 spaces for parishioners, during Mass only.
Santa Gemma: On May 15 we will honor our beloved Santa Gemma, dear to the hearts of the people of Lucca and all Italians, at the 12:00 PM Italian Mass. This year we are blessed to have the Mass celebrated by Archbishop Paolo Giulietti of Lucca himself! Welcome, Excellency! A luncheon will follow. Reservations forms are on the tables. Santa Gemma, pray for us.
Church Flowers: Would you like to sponsor a weekend of fresh flowers for your Church? Help beautify the Church. Call 415-421-0809. Saints Peter and Paul Salesian School Accepting Applications: Our K-8 Salesian school is accepting applications for this year and next. Please email Dr. Lisa Harris at [email protected], and visit to learn more.
Pre-K Tours: Our Pre-K (ages 3-5) is currently scheduling private tours! Please contact the director, Barbara Simons ([email protected]) or call 415-296-8549 to schedule an individual afternoon tour.
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: This year’s assessment is $29, 415. So far this year 31 families or parishioners have given $13,077, leaving us with balance of $16,338. Consider giving 1% of the total amount—less than one dollar a day!
Liturgical Calendar Sunday 17 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Monday 18 Monday within the Octave of Easter Tuesday 19 Tuesday within the Octave of Easter Wednesday 20 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter Thursday 21 Thursday within the Octave of Easter Friday 22 Friday within the Octave of Easter Saturday 23 Saturday within the Octave of Easter Sunday 24 Second Sunday of Easter; Divine Mercy Sunday Your gifts of Palm Sunday: $4,703. Your gifts of April 2/3: $3,010. Bi-Weekly Goal: $17,340. Shortfall taken from savings: $9,627. Thank You! Your parish appreciated your support!