Deuteronomy 26:4–10;. Psalm 91: Romans 10:8–13; Luke 4:1–13. Moses speaks to an assembly of the people in today’s first reading, reminding them that God heard their pleas in Egypt and saved them from captivity, bringing them through the desert to a land of plenty. Paul teaches the Romans that anyone can be saved by their faith that God has raised Jesus from the dead. In the Gospel, Jesus is tempted by the devil in the desert, resisting every temptation he faces by relying on the word of God. May we too be strengthened by God’s word.
Domenica 1A Di Quaresima La Quaresima è tempo di grazia e di conversione, tempo di ritorno a Dio che come Padre buono ci attende. È anche tempo di verifica, per valutare il nostro modo di comportarci nei confronti delle ricchezze, del potere e del rapporto con Dio. È possibile, con Cristo e come Cristo dire di no alle tentazioni. 封齋期第一主日 從聖灰禮儀開始一連四十天,除了主日以外,直至復活節前夕,都是封齋期。是一段祈禱、守齋、做補贖的時候。舊約中有許多章節記述古聖在重要任務之前守四十日齋以作準備,像梅瑟在山上四十天四十夜不斷祈禱;尼尼微人聽了約納先知的警告,四十天祈禱悔罪,得蒙天主寬恕;在新約聖經中我們讀到耶穌在曠野中守四十日嚴齋之後,受魔鬼試探。 教會規定在這段時間禸,教友從十四歲開始,每星期五守小齋,那就是不吃肉類和肉類湯、汁煮成的食物,祇吃魚類、及貝類。在聖灰禮儀及受難日凡滿十八歲至滿了五十九歲的人都該守大齋,所謂大齋就是每天祇吃一頓飽餐,和吃兩頓加起來不及一頓飽餐的份量。這種口福之欲的守齋是外表的,比如在這段時間不看電影,不作娛樂等等。一種較高層次的齋戒是精神上、行為上的,即思想、言語方面的齋戒 。 為什麼要守齋?有兩個最大的原因:一、為和耶穌一起,為效法祂,祂為我們做補贖,我們為自己做補贖;二、為學習管制自己的意志,比如管制言語,不說傷人的話、不說人是非,自然地管制了思想。管制自己的欲望和身體,能克制就能不以自己為中心,因而能顧及他人,遇到誘惑時也懂得控制。 今天的福音中魔鬼以人類的弱點:驕傲、自我中心、控制、支配、權力、自足慾去引誘耶穌,但祂一 一引述聖經的教訓去擊退魔鬼,目的在提醒我們魔鬼敵不過意志堅強依賴天主的人
And the winner is: AUGUSTUS TOLTON
Augustus Tolton was born in Missouri to Peter Paul Tolton and his wife Martha who were enslaved. Their master was Stephen Elliott. Savilla Elliott, his master’s wife, stood as Augustine’s godmother. According to accounts Peter Tolton, his father escaped first and joined the Union Army. Augustine’s mother then ran away with her children Samuel, Charley, Augustine, and Anne. With the assistance of sympathetic Union Soldiers, she crossed the Mississippi River and into the Free State of Illinois. Augustine father died of dysentery before the war ended. After arriving in Quincy, Illinois, Martha, Augustine and Charley began working at the Herris Tobacco Company where they made cigars. It was at this time that Augustus met Father Peter McGirr and Irish immigrant priest. Father Peter allowed Augustine to attend St. Lawrence parochial school during the winter months, when the cigar factory was close. The priest’s decision was controversial in the parish. Despite Father McGirr’s support, young Augustine was rejected by every American Seminary to which he applied. Impressed by his personal qualities, Father McGirr continued to help him and enabled Augustine to travel to Rome to study. He attended the Pontifical Urbaniana University, where he became fluent in Italian as well as studying Latin and Greek. Augustine was ordained to the priesthood in Rome in 1886 at age 31. He celebrated his first mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on Easter Sunday 1886. On his return to the United States, Augustine celebrated his first mass on American soil at St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church in New York City. Soon after, Father Gus, as he was called by many, was assigned to the Negro “national parish” of St. Monica’s Catholic church. St. Monica’s parish grew from 30 parishioners to 600. Father Gus was known for his eloquent sermons, his beautiful singing voice, and his talent for playing the accordion. Father Gus began to be plagued by “spells of illness” in 1893. Because of this set back, he was forced to take a temporary leave of absence from his duties at St. Monica’s parish in 1895. At the age of 43, on July 8, 1897, he collapsed and died as a result of the heat wave in Chicago in 1897. The funeral for Father Gus was attended by more than 100 priests. On May 21, 2019, Cardinal Francis George of Chicago announced that he was beginning an official investigation into the life and virtues of Fr. Gus. On February 24, 2011 Father Tolton received the title Servant of God. On June 12, 2019, Pope Francis authorized the advance of the cause of Servant of God Augustine Tolton, the next stage will be beatification followed by canonization. –Fr. Al Mengon, SDB Parochial Vicar Mass Intentions For The Week Sunday March 6, 2022 8:45 Luigi Marciano V 10:15 Anthony Tin V 12:00 GB De Martini V – Salvatore Contarino V 5:00 For the People of Saints Peter and Paul Monday March 7, 2022 7:00 Thomas Mazzucco V 9:00 Giuseppe & Angela Balistreri & Family V Tuesday March 8, 2022 7:00 Olga DeMartini Cuneo V 9:00 Peter Domenici & Peter Domenici, III V – Anton Canepa V Wednesday March 9, 2022 7:00 Andrea Genoveffa V 9:00 Fred Scolari V – Josephine Rinaldi V Thursday March 10, 2022 7:00 Romeo DeMartini V 9:00 Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Jerry Bonjean, SDB V FridayMarch 11, 2022 7:00 Virginia Sanguinetti V 9:00 Birthday of Jennifer & Victoria Bugayong V Saturday March 12, 2022 7:30 Giuseppina Ross V 9:00 Louis Ferralis & Alfredo Panelli V 5:00 Charles Corum V
WEEKLY INTENTIONS For each intention mentioned in the group below, individual Masses will be said in our Parishes, Schools or Missions. In Honor of the Infant of Prague Baptism Grayson Sullivan
Particular Items Adoration and Confession: We have Eucharistic Adoration every Wednesday from 7-8PM. During Lent there will alsi be a priest in the confessional at that time for Reconciliation. Stations of the Cross: We will have Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent at 7pm. Some live, some only on Zoom. The Italian Marian Sodalities, led by Frank Lavin will be hosting the Stations on March 11, at 7pm., via ZOOM All are welcome, especially families participating from home. Zoom link to follow 40 Days for Life Lenten Campaign! Join in in peacefully praying for the end to abortion in San Francisco! The 40 Days for Life campaign runs from March 2 to April 10 at the Planned Parenthood business at 1522 Bush Street. You may sign up for vigil hours on the website Opportunities for Participation in Pope Francis’s Synod: Listening Sessions! The worldwide Church is in a process of discernment of the state of the Church from the parish level upwards. The FINAL “listening sessions” throughout the Archdiocese are today. You are invited to attend in person, or via ZOOM. Go to and select “Attend a Listening Sessions” to register and see locations and languages. Catholic Men’s Conference: ‘As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.’ Prov 27:17. On March 12, at St. Pius Church in Redwood City, the annual Archdiocesan Catholic Men’s conference, a one-day conference for Catholic men, returns. Come be inspired, challenged and strengthened by other Catholic men from around the Bay Area! Conference includes great speakers, Holy Mass with Bishop Thomas Daly, as well as opportunities for confession. Event begins at 8:30am sharp, lunch is included. Learn more here: Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: This year’s assessment is $29, 415. The AAA supports many important and necessary functions throughout the Archdiocese. Last year, out of our whole parish, only 77 people donated. We should do better! Consider giving 1% of the total amount—that’s less than one dollar a day! Check out their video and learn more here.
Holy Name Society: The HNS will gather at the 8:45 AM Mass on Sunday, March 13, and a meeting will follow in the Don Bosco Room. All Catholics welcome! Pre-K Tours:Our Pre-K (ages 3-5) is currently scheduling private tours! Please contact the director, Barbara Simons ([email protected]) or call 415-296-8549 to schedule an individual afternoon tour. Church Flowers: Would you like to sponsor a weekend of fresh flowers for your Church? Help beautify the Church, and your intention will be included in the bulletin. Call 415-421-0809. Saints Peter and Paul Salesian School Accepting Applications: Our K-8 Salesian school is accepting applications for this year and next. Please email Dr. Lisa Harris at [email protected], and visit to learn more. Liturgical Calendar Sunday 06 First Sunday of Lent Monday- 07 Lenten Weekday, Ss. Perpetua & Felicity Tuesday 08 Lenten Weekday, St. John of God Wednesday 09 Lenten Weekday; St. Frances of Rome Thurs-Sat 10-12 Lenten Weekdays Sunday 13 Second Sunday of Lent Your gifts of February 27/28 will be published next week. Weekly Goal: $8,670. Thank You! Your parish appreciated your support!