Amos 7:12-15; Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10; Mark 6:7-13. In the first reading, Amaziah tries to move the prophet Amos away from the royal temple. Saint Paul praises God for his adoption of all people to himself through Jesus Christ. In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus sends the Twelve out in pairs, giving them instructions on how to approach their ministry with simplicity.
Domenica 15A del tempo Ordinario Con la missione le Chiesa dona il suo insostituibile servizio a ciascun uomo che sembra aver perdto il senso delle realtà ultime e della stessa esistenza. Il compito affidato ai credenti è importante, perchè dal loro impegno tante persone saranno in grado di scoprire il senso da dare alla vita.
Old Salesians tell me that during their times, those who came to the annual retreat had to pack everything with them in a suitcase. Right after the retreat, the superior would order them to a new assignment. A Salesian would move to his new assignment and not return to his previous community. You may wonder why they moved to the new assignment and were only permitted to carry one suitcase? Because we are called and professed to live in obedient and poverty. Detaching from material things would allow the Salesians to free themselves and focus on their ministries. We practice our religious vows just as is described in today’s Gospel of St. Mark: “Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick, no food, no sack, no money in their belts. They were, however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic”. (Mark 6:7-8)
Why did Jesus only allow them to carry walking stick? Matthew and Luke do not anything about carrying it. According to Matthew and Luke, a walking stick is the symbol of the weapon of the poor to defend themselves. Matthew indicates that Jesus’ disciples should be nonviolent. To build God’s kingdom is not by violence. Matthew describes that when Jesus was betrayed and captured in the garden of Gethsemane Peter used his sword to slice an ear of the soldier. But Jesus then told Peter to put his sword away. Not violence!
Only the Gospel of Mark says that a walking stick is permitted. It is a symbol of God’s Mission to perform wonders. Remember, God gave Moses the staff with which he divided the Red Sea and hit a rock in the dessert to provide water for the Israelites. Jesus sends his disciples to be missionaries. By allowing them to carry the walking stick, Jesus gives them the power of God’s Word to preach and heal the sick.
Through baptism, we too are called to be missionaries, to share the Gospel with others. We can do this by helping our church community reach out to those who live without hope or those who have not known God.
Have a blessed week!
Fr. Tho Pastor
Mass Intentions for the Week
Sunday July 14, 2024 8:45 Rose Damato Bowles + 10:15 The Soul of Paul Tsih + 12:00 For the People of Saints Peter and Paul – Lorenzo Simi + 5:00 Thanksgiving to St. Francis for Kamilah Monday July 15, 2024 7:00 In Memory of the Ettorina Cardella Family + 9:00 Lourdes Pamplona +
Tuesday July 16, 2024 7:00 Edward Sabini + 9:00 Angelo Sanguinetti + – Joan A. Muellar +
Wednesday July 17, 2024 7:00 Edward DeNicolai + 9:00 Giuseppe & Angela Balistreri + – Marilyn Dirico +
Thursday July 18, 2024 7:00 Marco & Sabina Zolezzi + 9:00 Peter Domenici & Peter Domenici, III +
Friday July 19, 2024 7:00 Lorraine DeNicolai + 9:00 For the Soul of Martha Bini +
Saturday July 20, 2024 7:30 Joseph Leo Torre & Family + 9:00 Sous of Juanita Cong & Mariano Uy + 5:00 Fiorella Banducci + – Dolores Brockenshire +
Marriages Christian Samir Bondam & Daniela Marie Piccetti
Rest-in-Peace Laurie Mohney – Linda Giannone
Marilyn Aspesi
Particular Items
Second Collection: Today’s second collection is for our parish school. Please be generous.
Salesian Community Bingo: Join us on July 18 for Salesian Community Bingo in the auditorium. Tickets are $25. Doors open at 6:00PM, Visit for tickets.
Eucharistic Adoration & Confession/ Anointing of the Sick: We have Adoration & Confession every Friday, following the 7:00 AM Mass. And on the first Friday of the month we have the Anointing following the 7:00 AM Mass.
玫瑰經 Chinese Apostolate First Sunday Rosary: The Apostolate meets every first Sunday of the month following the 10:15 AM Mass, to pray the Rosary in the Don Bosco Room.
Image Caption Una Notta di Sicilia: On July 27, our Madonna del Lume Society hosts Una Notte di Sicilia, a dinner and raffle to raise funds for the Society’s annual Festa, held on October 5/6. The fun starts at 5:30, with dinner at 6:30, at the Italian Athletic Club. Tickets are $75 for adults; children 10 & under $35. email Brianna at [email protected], or pick up a flyer from the tables by the entrance to the Church.
Image CaptionSaints Peter and Paul School Golf Tournament! Join us September 16 for an 18-hole tournament at the beautiful Sonoma Golf Club, with a shotgun start at 10:00 AM. Single-player or foursome ticket options are available. Registration includes golf, a boxed lunch on the cart, and a tee prize. All proceeds benefit Saints Peter and Paul School. For tickets and to learn more, visit And if you have questions, please contact [email protected]
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! On November 9-10, 2024 we will mark the 100 Year Anniversary of Saints Peter and Paul Church. Of course, the first Saints Peter and Paul was destroyed in the earthquake and fire of 1906, but the cornerstone for this lovely Church you see around you was laid in 1924, so this year marks 100 years!
On SATURDAY, November 9, at 5:00 PM, we will have a special Mass which will include a Renewal of Marriage Vows for all who were married here, (or were married in another Catholic Church). Anniversary Banquet: There will also be a prime rib banquet, after the Mass, open to all, in the auditorium. Tickets for the Saturday banquet are $80; $40 for children under 12. For more info and banquet tickets, visit, or call the parish office at 415-421-0809.
AND on SUNDAY, November 10, at 11:00 AM we will have our 100 Year Anniversary celebration! Mass will be followed by a luncheon for all in the auditorium.
Mystery couple! HELP! & GUESS WHO? As we prepare for the 100th Anniversary we need help from parishioners. Were you or your parents married here? We want pictures to use at the Renewal of Vows part of the ceremony. Call Gibbons at the parish office or email [email protected]. Meanwhile, can you name this lovely SSPP couple? (Last week’s mystery couple were Kevin Eck & Lauren Baccetti-Eck, married here in 1984).
Saints Peter and Paul Salesian School & Pre-K Accepting Applications: Our K-8 Salesian school is accepting applications for this year and next. Please email Dr. Lisa Harris at the school at [email protected], or Barbara Simons at the Pre-K at [email protected] to learn more!
Sponsor a Student! We are receiving more request for financial aid than ever before. The Salesians started by educating the children of the poor and we are not about to stop now—but like Don Bosco before us we need your help! We invite financially able parishioners to help with this ministry. Please call Fr. Tho!
Salesian Summer Camps: Summertime at The Club is packed with exciting activities, fun field trips, learning opportunities, and other adventures! Visit to learn more.
Cristo Rey MonasteryOur Lady of Mt. Carmel: On Tuesday we celebrate Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Her’s a little bit of history: “Hermits lived on Mount Carmel near the Fountain of Elijah in northern Israel in the 12th century. They had a chapel dedicated to Our Lady. By the 13th century they became known as “Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.” They soon celebrated a special Mass and Office in honor of Mary. In 1726, it became a celebration of the universal Church under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. For centuries the Carmelites have seen themselves as specially related to Mary. Their great saints and theologians have promoted devotion to her and often championed the mystery of her Immaculate Conception.
Saint Teresa of Avila called Carmel ‘the Order of the Virgin.’ Saint John of the Cross credited Mary with saving him from drowning as a child, leading him to Carmel, and helping him escape from prison. Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus believed that Mary cured her from illness. On her First Communion day, Thérèse dedicated her life to Mary. During the last days of her life she frequently spoke of Mary.
There is a tradition—which may not be historical—that Mary appeared to Saint Simon Stock, a leader of the Carmelites, and gave him a scapular, telling him to promote devotion to it. The scapular is a modified version of Mary’s own garment. It symbolizes her special protection and calls the wearers to consecrate themselves to her in a special way. The scapular reminds us of the gospel call to prayer and penance—a call that Mary models in a splendid way.”
In San Francisco, the Carmelites are at the Monastery of Cristo Rey, on Parker and Fulton Streets. That’s their amazing sanctuary, above.
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: The 2024 Archdiocesan Appeal is underway. This year’s assessment is $68,867. So far 45 families/parishioners have given $27,718, leaving us with a balance of $41,149. To donate or watch a good video about the 2024 appeal, and what it supports, go to If you can, join the 1% club! Give $688! But all gifts are deeply appreciated.
Catholic Medical Care right in our Parish! Bella Primary Careoffers primary & pediatric healthcare in accordance with Catholic principles. They are located at 2000 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 304, in San Francisco. Now scheduling appointments for: PEDIATRICS: Wellness visits for ages 6 months to 18 years with our pro-life pediatrician Dr. Virginia Schneider. WOMEN and MEN: Comprehensive annual exam. EXPECTANT MOMS: Pregnancy verification, initial ultrasound and blood work. FERTILITY: Initial and follow-up appointments using natural fertility assessment methods. For appointments, call 415-775-1500 or email our office at [email protected] We look forward to caring for your families in a Christ-centered way!
Liturgical Calendar Sunday 14 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday 15 Bonaventure; Bishop, Doctor Tuesday 16 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Wednesday 17 Weekday in Ordinary Time Thursday 18 Camillus de Lellis; Priest Friday 19 Weekday in Ordinary Time Saturday 20 Apollinaris; Bishop, Martyr Sunday 21 The 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Your gifts of July 6/7: $2,735. Your Gifts of June 29/30: $3,034. Two week’s goal: $17,340. Shortfall: $11,571. Second Collection (Peter’s Pence): $1,038. We are always in shortfall. Fr. Tho asks for your help Please consider donating an amount equal to a breakfast or lunch or movie ticket. Thank you! Your parish appreciates your continued support!