Wisdom 12:13, 16-19; Romans 8:26-27; Matthew 13: 24-43 or 13 13:24-30. Wisdom speaks of the might and clemency of God, saying you would permit repentance for their sins. Paul tells the Romans that the Spirit intercedes when we know not how to pray. In the Gospel, Jesus shares three parables about the kingdom of heaven, explaining the parable of the weeds to his disciples.
Domenica 16A del Tempo Ordinario
Alla vista di ciò che accade nel mondo è impossibile nonn porsi delle domande. Come può Dio sopportare tanti disodini, tante intollerabili ingiustizie, tanti delitti scandalosamente impunity? Perché interviene così poco? Non si tratta di chiedere conto a Dio, ma di cercare di capire la sua condotta, che deve ispirare la nostra. Dio è l’Onnipotente, che non ha bisogno di imporsi con la forza: concede a tutti il tempo per cambiare la loro condotta, per convertirsi. Il tempo della resa dei conti è già programmato.
今天耶穌仍用撒種的比喻,第一段寫莠子的存在,是指邪惡、敗行,人如果不留心就會犯罪 。但令人欣慰的是天主仁慈的,「是公義的本源;因為祢主宰一切,所以祢必能諒解一切…祢雖掌有大權,但施審判,卻很溫和。」世人往往以權力壓制公義,但天主不是這樣,祂有權力,同時也是公義和慈悲的。天主永遠給人最後的機會。因此,忍耐地等待,延遲懲罰,給人懺悔的機會。
Saint WHO?
Saint Marianne Cope
“I am hungry for the work, and I wish with all my heart to be one of the chosen ones, whose privilege it will be to sacrifice themselves for the salvation of the souls of the poor Islanders.” In 1839, the Koob family came to the United States from Germany, bringing with them their one-year-old daughter, Barbara. The name became Cope—immigration officers often had to make their best phonetic effort—and Barbara Cope grew up in upstate New York.
Drawn to the religious life, she joined the Franciscan Sisters in Syracuse. Working first in immigrant schools, then in hospital administration, she proved an able leader, with intelligence and sympathy. In 1877, she became the provincial.
Six years later, King Kalakua of Hawaii sent out requests to fifty religious orders to help caring for leprosy patients. Mother Marianne gave the only “yes,” leading five volunteers to the Hawaiian Kingdom. Interestingly, none of the members of the order ever contracted leprosy, though they worked at a leper hospital, where Cope taught her sisters “to make life as pleasant and comfortable as possible” for the poor victims. They also established a home for the children of lepers, many of whom roamed the streets, with family members refusing to care for them, so great was the terror of the disease.
Later on, Mother Marianne went to the dreaded island-prison of Molokai to open a home for unprotected women. Here she became a friend and co-worker of Saint Damien De Veuster, for whom she helped care when he himself caught the disease. She also was able to secure religious brothers to carry on Father Damien’s work when he died. Mother Marianne died on Molokai on August 9, 1918, at eighty.
Good Father, through the prayers of Saint Marianne
may we boldly go to the aid of the wretched, undaunted by personal risk.
–Fr. Al Mengon, SDB
Parochial Vicar
Taken from the ‘Magnificat’
Mass Intentions For The Week
Sunday July 23, 2023
8:45 Paul & Jacqueline Longinotti +
10:15 For the People of Saints Peter and Paul
12:00 Lorenzo Simi +
5:00 Birthday of Teresa Bonjean +
Monday July 24, 2023
7:00 Amelia DeNicolai +
9:00 Special Blessings for Daniel Ortega
Tuesday July 25, 2023
7:00 Aurora Piazza +
9:00 Vincenzo & Mariannina Torrano + – Ray Piva +
Wednesday July 26, 2023
7:00 Frank Sanguinetti +
9:00 Milagros Lavin + – Mary Funke +
Thursday July 27, 2023
7:00 Edward Sabini +
9:00 Bruce, John, Brent, & Brian Donovan Family + ̶ Chiara & Giuseppe Calcagno +
Friday July 28, 2023
7:00 Joseph Leo Torre & Family +
9:00 Peter Domenici & Peter Domenici, III +
Saturday July 29, 2023
7:30 In Honor of Madonna della Guardia
9:00 Andrea Genoveffa + – Intention Dale Singh
5:00 Steve & Lena Cuneo +
Rest in Peace
Br. Bruno de Pretto, SDB ̶ Mary Schmalz
Particular Items
Second Collection: Today we have a second collection for our parish school.
Eucharistic Adoration & Confession/ Anointing of the Sick: We have Adoration & Confession every Friday, following the 7:00 AM Mass. And on the first Friday of the month we have the Anointing following the 7:00 AM Mass.
National Night Out! On Tuesday, August 1, you can join people all over the country in honoring our police officers at National Night Out! From 5-7PM Filbert Street in front of the Church and club will be blocked off so the officers from Central Station can set up barbecues & fun and games for kids and adults. Be there to show your gratitude and have fun with our good SFPD!
“One Night with You” is Randy DeMartini’s tribute to the King of Rock and Roll! As everyone knows Randy is the Executive Director of the Salesian Boys’ and Girls’ Club, and all proceeds from the event will support the Club! “One Night With You” will be at the Silver Legacy Casino in Reno on Saturday, August 26. This is Randy’s repeat performance, and he received glowing reviews for the first one! Visit https://salesianclub.org/events/ for tickets and hotel reservations!
Padre Pio Visits North Beach! On Sunday, September 24, the Relics of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina will visit the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi at Columbus and Vallejo The relics will be venerated from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM, and a special Mass will be celebrated at 3:30 PM. Also, beginning at 12:30, there be a procession from the Shrine over to Saints Peter and Paul, and then back to the Shrine. All parishioners are invited to experience this wonderful visit!
Sr. Antoinette Invitational Golf Tournament! Join us on September 25, 2023, at the Sonoma Golf Club for the Sister Antoinette Pollini Invitational! 18-HOLE TOURNAMENT: Shotgun start at 10:00 AM at the beautiful Sonoma Golf Club. HIT THE COURSE: Single-player or foursome ticket options are available. Ticket price includes an 18-hole round of golf, green fees, cart, balls, and lunch. Visit www.events.sspeterpaulsf.org/golf to learn more and about tickets and sponsorship levels. All proceeds benefit Saints Peter and Paul School.
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: Our assessment this year is $64,663. You can watch a video showing some of the things your AAA gifts support at www.salesiansspp.org/donations. So far 55 families/parishioners have pledged or donated $35,150 leaving us with a balance of $29,513. If you, can, join the 1% club—give $647! But ALL Parishioners should give SOMETHING! Help us to meet this shared obligation!
Catholic Primary Medical Care right in our Parish! Bella Health and Wellness offers primary & pediatric healthcare in accordance with Catholic principles. They are located at 2000 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 304, in San Francisco. Now scheduling appointments for:
PEDIATRICS: Wellness visits for ages 6 months to 18 years with our pro-life pediatrician Dr. Virginia Schneider.
WOMEN and MEN: Comprehensive annual exam.
EXPECTANT MOMS: Pregnancy verification, initial ultrasound and blood work.
FERTILITY: Initial and follow-up appointments using natural fertility assessment methods.
For appointments, call 415-775-1500 or email our office at [email protected] We look forward to caring for your families in a Christ-centered way!
“Bella is an answer to my prayers to bring an authentically Catholic woman-centered healthcare clinic to our people in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. I invite your collaboration and support so together we can make something beautiful for God. May God bless and reward you for doing so!”– Archbishop Cordileone. Support Bella’s mission at www.bellahw.org
Salesian Young Adults: Want fun, friends, service and faith? Our Salesian Young Adults invite you to share all of the above as we serve our Church and get to know one another! Visit https://salesiansspp.org/salesian-young-adults
Saints Peter and Paul Salesian School & Pre-K Accepting Applications: Our K-8 Salesian school is accepting applications for this year and next. Please email Dr. Lisa Harris at the school at [email protected], sspeterpaulsf.org/ or Barbara Simons at the Pre-K at [email protected] to learn more!
Sponsor a Student! Are you able to help a student receive a Catholic education? We are receiving more request for financial aid than ever before. The Salesians started by educating the children of the poor and w are not about to stop now—but like Don Bosco before us we need your help! We invite financially able parishioners to help with this ministry. Please call Dr. Lisa Harris at 421-5219 or Fr. Tho Bui at 421-0809.
Encountering Jesus in the Tenderloin! The Franciscans invite you down to the Tenderloin! Inspired by the Gospel values of Jesus and Francis and Clare of Assisi, their work is centered around upholding the inherent dignity of every person. On August 11 they will host a tour of the Dining Room, program facilities and St. Boniface Church. Following the tour participants will have the opportunity to join those we serve for lunch and return to our Church for individual meditation or Mass. Learn more at stanthonysf.org/about/visit-us or call (415) 241-2896.
Religious Education for Children and Adults: Children: The 2023-2024 Religious Education-CCD program will begin on September 10, 2023. We are welcoming and accepting students from Kindergarten through Grade 8. The goal of the program is to help children to grow in faith, and working together with parents we hope to help the children come to experience God in their own lives and to familiarize them with the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. Classes are held every Sunday from 9:45am to 11:00am in the school gym.
Adults: RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a program through which the Church welcomes, educates, and journeys those persons seeking full communion in the Catholic faith through the Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. The 2023-2024 sessions begin on September 27, 2023 and continues through Pentecost, 2024. Sessions are held every Wednesday from 7-8:30pm in the Don Bosco room. Visit salesiansspp.org/religious-education to register.
Saints Peter and Paul Prayer List: Please pray for: reparation for those who attack the Church, parish families going through difficulties, for all of the Souls in Purgatory, for the swift end of the violence in Ukraine, for Fr. Dave Purdy, Sofia, Rose Mary, Noreen, Mrs. Gariano, Mary, Damian, Irene, Sharon, Maria, Maureen, Patrick, Gary, Dolores, Charee, Nancy, Angelina, Steve, Lisa (not our principal), Vicki, Wayne, and Anna. We also pray for young people who have lost direction in their lives, and at risk children everywhere. Let's also pray for an end to abortion, an increase in the vocation to marriage, priesthood, and religious life, and for all who are sick and suffering, and for peace and for Cardinal Joseph Zen and persecuted Christians everywhere.
Liturgical Calendar
Sunday 23 The 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday 24 Sharbel Makhlūf; Priest
Tuesday 25 James; Apostle
Wednesday 26 Joachim & Anne; Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Thursday 27 Weekday in Ordinary Time
Friday 28 Weekday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 29 Martha, Mary, & Lazarus; Disciples
Sunday 30 The 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Your gifts of July 15/16: $3,021.
Weekly goal: $8,670.
Shortfall: $5,649.
Thank you! Your parish needs and appreciates your continued support!