Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15; Ephesians 4:17, 20-24; John 6:24-35. As the Israelites wander through the desert, the Lord hears their cry and feeds them with bread from heaven. Saint Paul challenges the Ephesians to walk in the way of righteousness and holiness of truth so that their lives are different from nonbelievers. In the Gospel, Jesus tells the people not to work for food that perishes, saying, I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.
Domenico 18A Del Tempo Ordinario
Il dono più grande che Dio ci fa è cogliere il messaggio d’amore che con il suo gesto intende comunicare. Viviamo nell’universo spirituale di Dio? Siamo frenati dalle nostre ingordigie umane? Dalle risposte scopriremo l’abiso che separa colui che ama dall amato.
In 2018, I attended a meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. After a week-long meeting, I stayed at Don Bosco Utume, the Salesian Theological College in Nairobi. It was on a Saturday that a boy, about 8 years old, came to the Salesian campus from a neighborhood. He wore a torn shirt and pants and seemed to be hungry. I approached him and asked what his name was. The boy did not speak English. One of the Salesian Brothers told me that he always comes to the Salesian house to get food, because there is no food at home. They explained to me that on weekdays, he goes to school and gets fed there. On the weekends, he does not have food at home and so he comes to the Salesians to ask for food. I learned that he lives in a house that is built with pieces of cardboard. My heart was breaking for the poor boy.
Many people are still hungry today. People are hungry physically and spiritually. We are living in a country where food is plentiful. We even waste so much food every day. We are one of the first-world countries that may not be hungry physically. But perhaps we are hungry for human dignity, justice and peace. Jesus is the only one who can satisfy the deepest human hungers. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst." During the Biblical times, people wanted Jesus to give them this type of bread. We too, want the bread of life.
Today, every time we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, Jesus the Lord is here among us. We truly believe that by receiving the Body and Blaood of Christ, we must follow Jesus' way of self-giving. We are called to bring the good news to our secular world; to let people know that Jesus is the only one who can give them the Bread of Life. We need to reach out to those who have not known Jesus and pray for those who blaspheme against our Lord Jesus Christ. Have a blessed week!
Fr. Tho Pastor Image Courtesy Sharis’ Designs.
Mass Intentions For The Week
Sunday August 4, 2024 8:45 For the People of Saints Peter and Paul 10:15 Maria Michel + – Tsang Oi Lan + 12:00 Maria Carmela + – Paolo & Maria + – Giuseppe DeMartini Families + 5:00 Pat Duarte +
Monday August 5, 2024 7:00 Edward DeNicolai + 9:00 Gaetano Alioto + – Birthday of Michael Czuprynski +
Tuesday August 6, 2024 7:00 Edward Sabini + 9:00 Giuseppe Lucchesi + – Healing Elsie Libardo
Wednesday August 7, 2024 7:00 Louis DeNicolai + 9:00 Domenico, Francesca, Tom, Giuseppe, Lena, & Frances Cresci +
Thursday August 8, 2024 7:00 Andrea Genoveffa + 9:00 Nicola Sanguinetti + – Emma Marquez +
Friday August 9, 2024 7:00 Michael Jeffrey Gahagan + 9:00 Fred Balistreri + – Emilio Bernardini +
Saturday August 10, 2024 7:30 Joseph Leo Torre & Family + 9:00 Anniversary of the Death of Luigi Marciano + 5:00 Peter Domenici & Peter Domenici, III +
Marriages James Cody Hanley & Kristi Parenti-Kurttila
Rest-in-Peace Emilio Bernardini – Mike DeNunzio
Lam Man Fong
Particular Items
Second Collection: Today we have a second collection for our parish maintenance fund. Please be generous in helping to maintain our beautiful church!
玫瑰經 Chinese Apostolate First Sunday Rosary: The Apostolate meets every first Sunday of the month, following the 10:15 AM Mass, to pray the Rosary in the Don Bosco Room.
Join us!National Night Out! Support the SFPD! This Tuesday, August 6, from 5-7:00PM, the parish will once again host National Night Out on Filbert Street between Powell and Stockton. National Night Out is a chance for communities to meet and show appreciation to their police officers. Join us for food & fun, with the good SFPD!
Eucharistic Adoration & Confession/ Anointing of the Sick: We have Adoration & Confession every Friday, following the 7:00 AM Mass. And on the first Friday of the month we have the Anointing following the 7:00 AM Mass.
August 15 Solemnity of the Assumption: Thursday, August 15, is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. We will have Masses at 7:00 & 9:00 AM, and at 6:00 PM. There will also be a Vigil Mass on Wednesday the 14th at 6:00 PM. Our Lady of the Assumption, pray for us!
2024-2025 Religious Education: Religious Education for both children and adults will soon begin. CCD will begin on August 25, 2024. We are welcoming and accepting students from Kindergarten through Grade 8. The goal of the program is to help children to grow in faith, and working together with parents we hope to help the children come to experience God in their own lives and to familiarize them with the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. Classes are held every Sunday from 9:45am to 11:00am in the school gym. RCIA: RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a program through which the Church welcomes, educates, and journeys those persons seeking full communion in the Catholic faith through the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. The 2024-2025 sessions begins in September 2024 and continues through Pentecost, 2025. Sessions are held every Wednesday from 7-8:30pm in the Don Bosco room. Registration forms and more info may be found at salesiansspp.org/religious-education
Saints Peter and Paul School Golf Tournament! Join us September 16 for an 18-hole tournament at the beautiful Sonoma Golf Club, with a shotgun start at 10:00 AM. Single-player or foursome ticket options are available. Registration includes golf, a boxed lunch on the cart, and a tee prize. All proceeds benefit Saints Peter and Paul School. For tickets and to learn more, visit ssppevents.org/golf. And if you have questions, please contact [email protected]
MARK YOUR CALENDARS!On November 9-10, 2024 we will mark the 100 Year Anniversary of Saints Peter and Paul Church. Of course, the first Saints Peter and Paul was destroyed in the earthquake and fire of 1906, but the cornerstone for this lovely Church you see around you was laid in 1924, so this year marks 100 years!
On SATURDAY, November 9, at 5:00 PM, we will have a special Mass which will include a Renewal of Marriage Vows for all who were married here, (or were married in another Catholic Church).
Anniversary Banquet: There will also be a prime rib banquet, after the Mass, open to all, in the auditorium. Tickets for the Saturday banquet are $80; $40 for children under 12. For more info and banquet tickets, visit salesiansspp.org/100years, or call the parish office at 415-421-0809.
AND ON SUNDAY, November 10, at 11:00 AM we will have our 100 Year Anniversary celebration! Mass will be followed by a luncheon for all in the auditorium.
Guess who? HELP! & GUESS WHO? As we prepare for the 100th Anniversary we need help from parishioners. Were you or your parents married here? We want pictures to use at the celebration!. Call Gibbons at the parish office or email [email protected]. Meanwhile, can you name this lovely SSPP couple? (Last week’s mystery couple were Edmond Serchia & Maria Lucchese, married here in 1953).
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: The 2024 Archdiocesan Appeal is underway. This year’s assessment is $68,867. So far 49 families/parishioners have given $30,816, leaving us with a balance of $38,051. To donate or watch a good video about the 2024 appeal, and what it supports, go to salesiansspp.org/donations. If you can, join the 1% club! Give $688! But all gifts are deeply appreciated.
Saints Peter and Paul Salesian School & Pre-K Accepting Applications: Our K-8 Salesian school is accepting applications for this year and next. Please email Dr. Lisa Harris at the school at [email protected], or Barbara Simons at the Pre-K at [email protected] to learn more!
Knights of Columbus! Congratulations and thanks to the 12 men who joined our reformed Dante Council of the Knights of Columbus! But we can use more members! 1)Scan the Q Code and use the Promo Code : BLESSEDMCGIVNEY 2) Don't worry about the Agent referral code 3) Preferred Local council: Sts Peter and Paul Church 4) Member Referral Number is: 4553568 5) Church Parish Name- Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church 6) Church Parish State/ province: California As long as you have put the code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY (no spaces) you don't have to pay anything. Once the head office sends an email congratulating you, please acknowledge and confirm that you want to become a member. If you don't it still lingers on there until you instruct them to go ahead, and we will be informed.
Catholic Medical Care right in our Parish! Bella Primary Careoffers primary & pediatric healthcare in accordance with Catholic principles. They are located at 2000 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 304, in San Francisco. Now scheduling appointments for: PEDIATRICS: Wellness visits for ages 6 months to 18 years with our pro-life pediatrician Dr. Virginia Schneider. WOMEN and MEN: Comprehensive annual exam. EXPECTANT MOMS: Pregnancy verification, initial ultrasound and blood work. FERTILITY: Initial and follow-up appointments using natural fertility assessment methods. For appointments, call 415-775-1500 or email our office at [email protected] We look forward to caring for your families in a Christ-centered way!
“Bella is an answer to my prayers to bring an authentically Catholic woman-centered healthcare clinic to our people in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. I invite your collaboration and support!”– Archbishop Cordileone. Support Bella’s mission at bellaprimarycare.org
Liturgical Calendar Sunday 04 The 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday 05 The Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major; in Rome Tuesday 06 The Transfiguration of the Lord Wednesday 07 Sixtus II: Pope, & Companions; Martyrs Thursday 08 Dominic; Priest Friday 09 Teresa Benedicta of the Cross; Virgin, Martyr Saturday 10 Lawrence; Deacon, Martyr Sunday 11 The 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Your gifts of July 27/28: $2,336. Weekly goal: $8,670. Shortfall: $6,334.
We are always in shortfall. Fr. Tho asks for your help Please consider donating an amount equal to a breakfast or lunch or movie ticket. Thank you! Your parish appreciates your continued support!