Isaiah 35:4-7a; James 2:1-5; Mark 7:31-37. In the first reading, the Lord says that he has come to save his people, including making the deaf hear and the blind see.. In the second reading, James tells the Christian community not to show partiality to those who are rich, nor to discriminate against the poor. In the Gospel, Jesus heals a deaf man to the great astonishment of the crowd near the Decapolis.
Domenico 23A Del Tempo Ordinario
Il Battesimo che ci fa cristiani, non ci esime dal coltivare, con un impegno di formazione permanente, la vita cristiana, per diventare testimoni convinti. Quindi dal Battesimo derivano due compiti molto importanti: l’ascolto della Parola e la professione della fede.
“There is nothing more perfect than the formation of a good priest.” Vincent de Paul was born in France in 1581. His parents were poor, and eager for a better life for their son. Vincent, intelligent, witty, and ambitious, seems to have been as much attracted to the priesthood for its worldly benefits as for its spiritual ones.
Ordained at nineteen, Vincent achieved security and status, but did not find peace. While lifting the chalice at Mass one day, he heard the words, “I do not know you.” After a crisis of faith, a capture by pirates, and a period as a slave in North Africa, he came under the guidance of the French mystic Father Pierre de Bérule. Who also inspired St. John Eudes. The fiery Vincent became meek and gentle, and eventually resolved to dedicate himself to the needy and destitute.
Intensely aware of the poor state of clerical formation in France, Vincent also worked to form clergy. He urged young men not to pursue the priesthood for secular purposes, as he had at first. Rather, they should “have a genuine call from God and a pure intention of honoring our Lord by rh practice of His virtues.” Vincent founded the Congregation of the Mission, known today as the Vincentians, and helped to catalyze a new generation of priests dedicated to service and missionary work. He died in 1660.
Eternal Father, through the prayers and example of Saint Vincent de Paul, bring true reform where it is needed.
Fr. Al Mengon, SDB Parochial Vicar Taken from the ‘Magnificat’
Mass Intentions For The Week
Sunday September 8, 2024 8:45 For the People of Saints Peter and Paul 10:15 Emma Marquez + 12:00 Steve & Lena Cuneo + – Marek Krzysztof Rutkowski + 5:00 The Fanucchi Family & the Lucchesi Family +
Monday September 9, 2024 7:00 Louis DeNicolai + 9:00 Mary & Julio Poggi + – Healing Ron Burgess
Tuesday September 10, 2024 7:00 Joseph Leo Torre & Family + 9:00 Carlo Romeo + – Gino Dito & Family +
Wednesday September 11, 2024 7:00 Lorraine DeNicolai + 9:00 Mario Russo & Luigi Cirelli + – Lorenzo Dusi +
Thursday September 12, 2024 7:00 Virginia Sanguinetti + 9:00 Giuseppe & Angela Balistreri & Family + – Alberto Cattoi +
Friday September 13, 2024 7:00 In Memory of the Ettorina Cardella Family + 9:00 Luigi & Rosa Mangini + – Ugo Quilici +
Saturday September 14, 2024 7:30 Edward Sabini + 9:00 Edward DeNicolai + – Preciosimo Tolentino + 5:00 Louis, Eugene, & Raymond Raggio + - Michael Czuprynski +
Marriages Francis Arrastia and Roxanne Durr
Paul Campa and Maria Hernandez
Rest-in-Peace Gaetana Sanfilippo – Alberto Cattoi
Particular Items
Second Collection: Today we have a second collection for the Catholic University of America.
Eucharistic Adoration & Confession/ Anointing of the Sick: We have Adoration & Confession every Friday, following the 7:00 AM Mass. And on the first Friday of the month we have the Anointing following the 7:00 AM Mass.
Saints Peter and Paul School Golf Tournament! Join us September 16 for an 18-hole tournament at the beautiful Sonoma Golf Club, with a shotgun start at 10:00 AM. Single-player or foursome ticket options are available. Registration includes golf, a boxed lunch on the cart, and a tee prize. All proceeds benefit Saints Peter and Paul School. For tickets and to learn more, visit And if you have questions, please contact [email protected]
Red Mass: On September 19 at 5:30 PM, Archbishop Cordileone will be here to celebrate the Annual Red Mass for the St. Thomas More Society. His Excellency will be joined by Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger of the Diocese of Albany, New York. This Mass is open to everyone.
Madonna del Lume: The festival of “La Madonna Del Lume” is & October 5 & 6! The events of Saturday, October 5 begin at 10:00 AM with the Memorial Mass at the Fisherman’s Chapel on the wharf, followed by the fishing boat parade, and the Memorial Ceremony at sea. The October 6 events will begin with Mass at 11:45 AM, followed by refreshments in the cafeteria. The procession will begin in front of the church at 1:45 PM, and all little angels & fisherman are urged to come in costume! The MDL dinner dance is at 5PM at the SF Italian Athletic Club. Please pick up a flyer in the Church!
Bay Area Rosary Rally: Join Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone for the 14th annual Rosary Rally on October 12 at St. Mary’s Cathedral. The day begins with confessions at 9:30 a.m. followed by a talk on the history of the Rosary at 10:00 a.m., followed by the Rosary. The Mass of the Americas will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m., followed by a Eucharistic Procession and Benediction. At 1:00 p.m., there will be an Ethnic Food Festival with Know Your Rights Workshop and information tables All details here:
105th Annual Columbus Day Bazaar: It’s coming up, the most fun-filled weekend of the year! Join us On Saturday, October 12 from 10:00AM to 6:00PM and Sunday, October 13 from 11AM to 7:00PM for food, drinks, games for kids and adults, the Columbus Day Mass. The Columbus Day parade, and if that were not enough the Blue Angels flying overhead. And it all benefits the Church, School, and Pre-K!
November Centennial Celebration!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! On November 9-10, 2024 we will mark the 100 Year Anniversary of Saints Peter and Paul Church. Of course, the first Saints Peter and Paul was destroyed in the earthquake and fire of 1906, but the cornerstone for this lovely Church you see around you was laid in 1924, so this year marks 100 years!
On SATURDAY, November 9, at 5:00 PM, we will have a special Mass which will include a Renewal of Marriage Vows for all who were married here, (or were married in another Catholic Church).
100th Anniversary Banquet: There will also be a prime rib banquet, after the Saturday Mass, open to all, in the auditorium. Tickets for the Saturday banquet are $80; $40 for children under 12. For more info and banquet tickets, use the qcode at left or visit, or call the parish office at 415-421-0809.
AND on SUNDAY, November 10, at 11:00 AM we will have our 100 Year Anniversary celebration! Fr. Mel Trinidad, our Salesian Provincial will be the principal celebrant of the Mass, which will be followed by a luncheon for all in the auditorium.
Guess Who? HELP! & GUESS WHO? As we prepare for the 100th Anniversary we need help from parishioners. Were you or your parents married here? We want pictures! Call Gibbons at the parish office or email [email protected]. Meanwhile, can you name this lovely SSPP couple? (Last week’s mystery couple were Brian Olcomendy and Melissa Puccinelli, married here on May 6, 1989).
Want to See our100th Anniversary Video Invitation? Of course you do! Please check out our video invitation by scanning the qcode at left, and please share with all your friends and family!
Saints Peter and Paul Salesian School & Pre-K Accepting Applications: Our K-8 Salesian school is accepting applications for this year and next. Please email Dr. Lisa Harris at the school at [email protected], or Barbara Simons at the Pre-K at [email protected] to learn more!
Catholic Medical Care right in our Parish! Bella Primary Careoffers primary & pediatric healthcare in accordance with Catholic principles. They are located at 2000 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 304, in San Francisco. For appointments, call 415-775-1500 or email our office at[email protected]. We look forward to caring for your families in a Christ-centered way!
Religious Education—(CCD Sunday School): Application forms are available in the parish office or Sts Peter and Paul Church website Classes are from 9:45 to 11:00 AM on Sundays. Sessions begin August 25, 2024.
Volunteer CCD Sunday School teacher search: We are looking for volunteers who would like to teach Grade school students. Join us in this honorable ministry of teaching and sharing faith. For more information, please email [email protected] or call (415) 421-0809.
RCIA: RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a program through which the Church welcomes, educates, and journeys those persons seeking full communion in the Catholic faith through the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. The 2024-2025 sessions begins in September 2024 and continues through Pentecost, 2025. Sessions are held every Wednesday from 7-8:30 pm in the Don Bosco room. Registration forms and more info may be found at
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: The 2024 Archdiocesan Appeal is underway. This year’s assessment is $68,867. So far 55 families/parishioners have given $38,547, leaving us with a balance of $30,320. To donate or watch a good video about the 2024 appeal, and what it supports, go to If you can, join the 1% club! Give $688! But all gifts are deeply appreciated.
Liturgical Calendar Sunday 08 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday 09 Peter Claver; Priest Tuesday 10 Weekday in Ordinary Time Wednesday 11 Weekday in Ordinary Time Thursday 12 The Most Holy Name of Mary Friday 13 John Chrysostom; Bishop, Doctor Saturday 14 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Sunday 15 The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Your gifts of Aug. 31/Sept 1: $2,654. Weekly goal: $8,670. Shortfall: $6,016.
We are always in shortfall. Fr. Tho asks for your help. Please consider donating an amount equal to a breakfast or lunch or movie ticket. Thank you! Your parish appreciates your continued support!